
The Five FoundationServices of Managed IT

Cloud Services

Cloud services let you access and share on-demand IT resources. Simply put, it means you are working from the internet instead of from your computer. It is like renting a fully furnished house instead of buying one.

Cloud services can transform your business.

If your company hasn’t yet made the leap to the cloud—it’s time. Why? Embracing the cloud reduces costs and provides increased flexibility, automation, ease of use, collaboration, efficiency, reliability, and scalability. In short, it allows you to be competitive in your industry.

The chart below details Adept Solutions’ Cloud Services. Take a look and let us know if you have questions—we are always ready to talk IT!

Let’s talk about the cloud for your team

Adept Solutions Managed IT Services

Cloud Services

Help Your Team Be More Productive

Included Add-on Option
Microsoft 365 Business Services

What it is: Microsoft 365 Business Services is a subscription-based cloud service that provides office applications such as Word, Excel, and PowerPoint; Outlook business-class email; 1 TB of document storage; and other communication and collaboration apps such as Teams and SharePoint. Automatic updates and enterprise-grade security ensures you have the latest Office and Operating System versions and added security.

Why you want it: You can increase the communication, collaboration, and productivity of your team. Work any time from anywhere on any device.

Infrastructure-as-a Service

What it is: IaaS is virtualized computing. It requires limited hardware investments and maintenance, can be used anywhere with the internet, and scales easily. Choose from Public, Private, or Hybrid Cloud options.

Why you want it: The cost of hardware is reduced, and business continuity is enhanced.

Microsoft 365 Backup Solution

What it is: A backup and recovery of Microsoft 365 data and applications. Microsoft protects your applications from hardware and software failures, power outages and natural disasters, but not against human or programming errors, malicious insiders, hackers or viruses. This additional backup protects your data, contacts, and calendars from all other risks.

Why you want it: If your Microsoft 365 service is compromised, you can have a complete and quick restore of lost data.

Cloud Backup Solutions

What it is: Cloud Backup sends copies of data to an off-site server. This solution can complement or replace on-premise backup solutions.

Why you want it: Your data is protected and can be quickly restored if compromised.