October is Cybersecurity Awareness and Breast Cancer Awareness month. This newsletter includes an information on keeping your family and business secure in our digital age. But for my blog--I want to address cancer. Our company is passionate about helping to fight the ravages of this disease.
We lost one of our engineers (Kristian Holmes, brother of Geoff and Kris Granger) four years ago this month to cancer. We miss him. Also, one of our new team members, Kayla, is a cancer survivor. She does not identify as a victim of this disease but uses her experience to speak out and empower others to fight.
In September, Kayla, with the help of others, celebrated the premier of a documentary film, Vincible, in Chicago. It is a powerful documentary that follows 27-year-old Kayla as she creates a voice for the 69,999 other young people who lose their youth to this disease each year. It will be shown locally this Saturday, October 20th at 2 p.m., Guild Theater, 2828 35th Street, Sacramento. Adept Solutions is proud to be a sponsor for this showing. Click to view the Vincible trailer.
We love and appreciate Kayla for being so transparent about her life and struggles as she produced this documentary. We recognize the sacrifices she has made to undertake this project and we also recognize the hope and compassion she has given to other young patients in this process. She is a beacon of hope that we can all look to as we lift those around us who struggle with the consequences of this disease. Let us be 'InVincible’ with our efforts to support those who struggle through the challenges of cancer.
What can we do? Watch the Vincible trailer to learn more about the effect of this monstrous disease on our young adults—better yet, attend the local showing. Work with the American Cancer Society, support Pink October or join the Race for a Cure. I leave you with the words of C.S. Lewis who wrote: “I do not believe one can settle how much we ought to give. I am afraid the only safe rule is to give more than we can spare.... There ought to be things we should like to do and cannot do because our charitable expenditure excludes them.”
Thank you for being our friends, neighbors and partners.
Link for the words Vincible trailer: https://www.vinciblethedocumentary.com/about