It’s Been 10 Years!

It’s Been 10 Years!


It all began at the Boot Barn. Well, actually in back . . . up concrete stairs . . . to a room above the Boot Barn.  That is where Adept Solutions was in 2010 when Larry and Patty Johnson bought the little IT company.

Ah yes, the good ole days of schlepping computers up and down a concrete staircase.

We've come a long way!

---From five employees to 16+ employees.

---From a crowded two-room shop to a business office (without stairs, concrete or otherwise) that has expanded three times into adjacent spaces.

---From a break-fix model that saw us scrambling to fix things as they broke, to a managed service model that let us proactively take care of client's networks.

---From clients primarily in Yuba City, to clients spread across northern California.

Celebrating this milestone includes gratitude to our clients.  Some have been with us since the beginning; most have been with us at least five years and counting. Thank you for your trust in us to take care of your technology.

We had humble beginnings with the Granger brothers ten years ago. We are grateful to them and to all the hard-working men and women who helped build our company over the years.

Here's to the next ten years!