This is the time of year many people traditionally count their blessings--and Adept Solutions is counting and thankful. Below is our Gratitude Top Ten list:
- Our clients--big and small who are making a difference in their industry and community.
- Our team--the best group of people you'd ever hope to find who work hard to help our clients succeed.
- Families of our team members--Employee spouses and children complete the Adept family and add a lot of life, fun and meaning to our business.
- Our community--It was a pleasure to participate in Relay for Life, Children's Hope Foster's Color Run, Union Gospel Mission's golf tournament, various Chamber events, and other community events.
- Office Space--we are in the process of expanding into an adjoining suite. Construction dust notwithstanding, we are excited about more space!
- Office 365--this software has made life easier with internal communications, collaboration, team webinars, remote meetings and more.
- Website--undated and refreshed, it includes many client testimonials which we very much appreciate!
- IT Security--We have partnered with Infosec IQ to provide security awareness training as a new option for Managed Services.
- IT Conferences--From IT Nation in Florida to Navigate in Las Vegas to IT GlueX in Phoenix and many others, we soaked in the newest technological advances and best practices.
- CRN Tech Elite 250--We were honored to receive this award for 2019, the second year in a row. This award recognizes "Standout IT Solutions Providers" who successfully transform their business to meet the demands of emerging technologies.
We hope you have a great Thanksgiving holiday!