Hedgehogs—An Unscientific Postscript

As I have written before, I am one who likes the message of Jim Collins.  In his latest book, Jim Collins Turning the Flywheel: A Monograph to Accompany Good to Great, Collins delves more deeply into the ‘Hedgehog Concept’ and explains why it is the key to building a great company.

What Costs Are There to Outsourcing My IT Management?

"What does it cost to outsource my IT management?" is a question we often receive --and that has prompted me to write this blog.  My goal is to give you a good approximation of what it costs to have us partner with you to manage your network.  My first response to the question of cost is to say ‘it depends’.  This might sound like a cop-out, but it is certainly true.

CEO Article: Hold the Presses!…6 Words That Will Solve All Your Problems

In 1988, I was in Los Angeles learning about corporate leadership when I was invited to attend a lecture by Tom Peters, one of the thought leaders in business consulting at that time. I was excited to see him, and was not disappointed.  I am sure he talked mostly about the theories in his book, ‘In Search of Excellence,’ but mostly what I remember was how I felt.

Risky Business? Not When It Comes To Your Data.

How a company manages its data and information can make or break a company’s success and its rate of growth. If you could transfer the headache and risk of managing and securing your data -- while maintaining the financial upside of your company -- would you do it?

As the owner or decision maker of a small or medium-sized company, the thought of outsourcing some aspect of your business has probably come to mind.