How to leverage social media effectively

Nearly everyone uses social media. And whether you run a small- or medium-sized business (SMB) or multinational conglomerate, social media platforms are great for their broad audiences, low costs, and high returns. But without careful planning, marketing in these communities can do more harm than good.

Facebook announces News Feed change

Social media has proven to be very influential in shaping people’s lives, affecting everything from one’s mental health to people’s views on certain political parties. To limit this, Facebook has made a decision to limit the posts from business accounts on your News Feed to make room for more meaningful posts shared by your friends and families.

5 social media trends to watch for!

To say that social media is a small part of our lives is an understatement. Platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Snapchat are now integrated into our lives like never before. But what’s next? Can social media’s involvement go any further? These upcoming trends certainly point toward it.

Facebook Messenger: The Key to Growth

Over 330 million consumers connected with small businesses via Facebook Messenger in 2017 alone, so it's evident that the ‘phone call’ era is coming to a close. Since consumers now want constant, immediate online connectivity with their local car dealership, pizza joint, and other local businesses, it is only fitting that Facebook Messenger’s latest feature grants consumers even more flexibility in how they contact their local business.

How do I kickstart my Facebook ad?

Your products and services won’t sell, no matter how exceptional they are, if no one knows of their existence. That’s how advertising comes into play. Yet for a small business with a limited budget, an advertisement can cost big. But that's no longer the case, thanks to the cost-effective online advertising platform hosted by Facebook.