Social media phishing attacks are on the rise, with Facebook being one of the most commonly impersonated brands. Hackers are now employing more sophisticated tactics to steal personal data from social media users. To keep your data safe from them, heed our reminders and tips to strengthen your privacy settings and keep bad actors away.
Safeguard your social media accounts from hackers
5 social media tips to drive your growth
Finding the right channel to promote one’s business is a growing challenge in the digital age, with social media acting as an indispensable business tool. The question is, what else can you do aside from updating your status? Here are five ways to help you enhance your social media marketing.
The perfect social media match for your SMB
Facebook leads all social media platforms in terms of daily active users, audience reach, and cultural impact, but is it the best fit for your business? Every business has a unique audience, so what works for one business may not work for another. With all the available social media platforms to choose from, small- and medium-sized businesses should examine their options before they decide which is the best match for them.
How to increase retweets on Twitter
It can be discouraging for any business to post a thoughtful tweet in the morning just to see that it barely has any retweets by the end of the day. To maximize your tweets’ exposure, consider these 7 ways to increase your retweets.
Schedule your tweets
There is absolutely no point in tweeting out any content if your audience isn’t even awake for it.
Leave no room for hackers to operate
Pranksters, malicious attackers, extremists — hackers come in different forms, but they all have one thing in mind: compromising your online privacy and security. Some of them specialize in hacking social media, but don’t fret; there are several things you can do to protect your Facebook or Twitter account.
How to make social media marketing work for you
As a startup business owner, you may think social media isn’t worth the effort because no one knows about your business. You may have dabbled in Twitter, Facebook, or LinkedIn and seen minimal (if any) results. What can a business owner with a new brand/product do? Well, it turns out quite a lot.
How to leverage social media effectively
Nearly everyone uses social media. And whether you run a small- or medium-sized business (SMB) or multinational conglomerate, social media platforms are great for their broad audiences, low costs, and high returns. But without careful planning, marketing in these communities can do more harm than good.
5 social media trends to watch for!
To say that social media is a small part of our lives is an understatement. Platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Snapchat are now integrated into our lives like never before. But what’s next? Can social media’s involvement go any further? These upcoming trends certainly point toward it.