CEO Article: Hold the Presses!…6 Words That Will Solve All Your Problems

In 1988, I was in Los Angeles learning about corporate leadership when I was invited to attend a lecture by Tom Peters, one of the thought leaders in business consulting at that time. I was excited to see him, and was not disappointed.  I am sure he talked mostly about the theories in his book, ‘In Search of Excellence,’ but mostly what I remember was how I felt.

What is the Modern Desktop?

“Get modern with Windows 10 + Office 365 + kept up to date” is the message sweeping across the IT landscape--along with the promise that it will be loved by end users. This modern desktop transports users up to the cloud for data and programs, which isn’t a shockingly new concept, as the term “the cloud” has been bantered around since the 1960’s.

But it’s getting serious now.

Risky Business? Not When It Comes To Your Data.

How a company manages its data and information can make or break a company’s success and its rate of growth. If you could transfer the headache and risk of managing and securing your data -- while maintaining the financial upside of your company -- would you do it?

As the owner or decision maker of a small or medium-sized company, the thought of outsourcing some aspect of your business has probably come to mind.

Threats facing financial institutions today

The financial sector has long been heavily targeted by cybercriminals. Over the years, the number of attacks that involved extortion, social engineering, and credential-stealing malware has surged rapidly. This means that financial institutions should strive to familiarize themselves with the threats and the agents behind them.

Troubleshoot your Wi-Fi with ease

Today, you simply can’t survive without a Wi-Fi connection. Businesses need fast, secure, and reliable internet to get work done and satisfy customers. But what about when you experience Wi-Fi issues? These fixes ought to do the trick!
Range constraints
Wi-Fi works via radio waves that are broadcast from a central hub, usually a piece of hardware known as a router.

Phishing e-mails and how to spot the scams

 What is Phishing?
“Good things come to those who bait.” This is true for fishing and unfortunately true for phishing, also. Phishing uses email as bait, with messages that appear to be from legitimate companies or from people you know.

These emails often appeal to human emotions such as:

Fear—an email from your “bank” saying your account has been compromised.