Important News: Microsoft will NO LONGER support Windows 10 after October 2025. While these PCs will still work after the official end date of October 14, 2025, Microsoft will no longer provide product key free services that keep your device working properly and securely.
The End Is Almost Here! Windows 10 Will No Longer Be Supported As Of October 2025
Surf securely with a VPN
There was a time when installing an antivirus program was enough to secure your data, but that’s no longer the case today. Whether you want to keep your online activities hidden from third parties or prevent your data from being intercepted by hackers, you need to invest in a virtual private network (VPN).
What is a VPN?
A VPN creates a secure tunnel between your device and the websites you visit, protecting you from hackers looking to intercept your data.
What is Cyber Resilience and Why Do You Need It?
CEO Article by Larry Johnson
The Olympics have just finished, and we have had some examples of great performances in the Tokyo games. I watched as two USA wrestlers were down to the last seconds when they won their matches. Gable Stevenson was down to less than 2 seconds when he came back to win, and David Taylor had less than 14 seconds when he won his match.
Your Team’s New Sport, Catching Phish
The good. The bad. The ugly. Pretty much describes your inbox, doesn't it?
What's tough is sometimes you can't tell which are which. Is the email coupon from Round Table (20% off the Hearty Bacon Supreme!) good, or an ugly phishing attempt?
Is the notice from Netflix that your account needs renewing just one of those bad emails that wants your money for services, or is it an ugly attempt to just take your money?
If you had the Catch Phish Email Analysis icon in your email menu, you wouldn't have to wonder.
Remote Work Cybersecurity—8 Things You Must Do
The New Normal
Remote work is the new normal in our COVID-19 universe. As one of our team members explained:
“I’ll be a bit late to my office. Traffic is crazy. There was a massive pile-up of a bike, a helmet, frozen toys and a shoe blocking the entrance to the off-ramp to my home office this morning.
Hackers Love a Crisis!
The adage "never let a good crisis go to waste" applies to hackers everywhere. And the Coronavirus is the perfect crisis to exploit.
Sophos, one of Adept's security vendors, reports on one Coronavirus scam. They explain, "The fake page consists of the official, current home page of the World Health Organisation (WHO), with an unassuming popup form on top of it.
Still Running Windows 7? What Are Your Options?
January 14, 2020 is the end of life for Windows 7.
No more security updates--you are on your own. Without these security patches, Windows 7 systems will become substantially more vulnerable to viruses, malware, and third-party software exploitations.
Adept Alert: Potential Iranian Cyber Response
Tension between Iran and the United States has prompted the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) to issue an alert.
Historically, Iran has resorted to cyber activities for retaliation.
Fileless malware: The guileful threat
Over the past few years, the security industry has been witnessing a rapid evolution in attack techniques, including fileless malware, which uses legitimate tools and services such as existing software, applications, and authorized protocols to carry out malicious activities such as unauthorized data retrieval or data damage.
Autocomplete password risks
Advertisements and suggestions based on our internet browsing habits are sources of online tracking. However, autocomplete passwords are also another source of online tracking. This sneaky tactic comes with serious security risks. Here’s how you can stop it from targeting you.